We're trying to protect your work from unauthorised redistribution.
If you've been in the content creation business long enough, you'll have come to realise that not all the people who pledge money to you have your best interests in mind. Some of them will be the type to share your work with others, and then those will share it further, and before long it will be everywhere. This can lead to lost revenue, those who would pay for your work, but think they don't need to because others are sharing it for free. The worst case is when your work is being resold elsewhere.
The problem is finding out the culprit. There's no way of knowing who downloaded your work, so there is no way of knowing who uploaded it elsewhere. Even when you try to restrict your links to private messages, or use a discord server for filesharing. You may be feeling like you can't stop them, so it's not worth trying.
We aim to get you back in control of your content. We're a filehost with a difference. When your files are downloaded from us, we'll be able to tell you who downloaded it just by looking at the file. This means, if we're your only source for downloading your content and you find it available for download anywhere else, you'll know who is doing it. It's up to you how you deal with that, but the biggest question you had will be answered.
We're currently trying to grow, to provide better servers, and more bandwidth. This is going to be hard for us, as servers and bandwidth are expensive, and we're going to need your support. Even if you do not want to host with us (yet), but believe in our mission, please make a pledge to our Patreon. Every penny counts.
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